URGENT ! Mathematical Logic and Structures


New member
May 19, 2013
Hey guys, i need a HUGE favor, i need the resolution for this 5 questions, its a question of end this year my degree or stay one year just with a subject. Please I am begging, who knows the resolution please say me something.
Email: rafa_mota04@hotmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rafa.mota04
Part 1: Mathematical Logic
2- Convert the formula into the prenex form: (square root of)x p(x,g) -> ( inverted E )y (square root of) z q (x,y)
3- Consider the language L with the symbol of equality and one array predicate symbol. Write the formula in this language which express “there exist exactly one x such that p(x) holds”
4- Verify, which any of the formulas ¬ A v B and A or B substituted for x makes the formula ( A -> x ) -> ( x -> B ) a tautology.
Part 2: Mathematical Structures
1 - find the subgroup of the group (Z, +, 0) generated by the set {20,25} .
2 - Describe the free object over a given set X on the constant Pos (of partially ordened sets and isotone maps)
I deleted the five duplicates of this thread that you posted throughout our boards. You need only post once because we can see all of our boards.

Also, please understand that we do not provide solutions on demand (or on begging :)) -- this is a tutoring web site. Please explain what you've thought about or tried thus far, in these exercises.

Check out the complete posting guidelines, by starting with a summary HERE. Thank you!
Because this individual posted his facebook page, I was able to locate the university which he attends.

I forwarded links to the rector, in the hope that somebody on staff will re-explain the school's policies on academic honesty.