Hello everyone. I am taking a course on edx and its math heavy. I am very rusty on math and could use some help. This question comes on the heals of linear equations and quadratics. I am not sure how to break down this question. Anyway, here it is.
You are asked to calculate the amount of cement you can prepare for Product A and Product B. You have 382 lbs of cement and 566 lbs of sand. The following table indicates how much of the cement and how much of the sand you need to make for Product A and Product B.
cement product A = 0.108 product B = 0.353
sand product A = 0.402 product B = 0.158
Calculate how much cement you can prepare for Product A and Product B and best utilize the available inventory of the cement and sand.
I have no idea where to start, any hints?
You are asked to calculate the amount of cement you can prepare for Product A and Product B. You have 382 lbs of cement and 566 lbs of sand. The following table indicates how much of the cement and how much of the sand you need to make for Product A and Product B.
cement product A = 0.108 product B = 0.353
sand product A = 0.402 product B = 0.158
Calculate how much cement you can prepare for Product A and Product B and best utilize the available inventory of the cement and sand.
I have no idea where to start, any hints?