Do you mean to ask what units you should end up with if you start with the given units? Also, is the unit expression as follows?Can anyone help and tell me what units I should have if I have m / m s^-2
If the expression is as formatted above then, yes, the m's ("meters"?) would cancel out.The m's cancel leaving 1 / s^-2
Great! How would you handle the -1 exponent on variable? What would you end up with?If I had 1 / s^-1 it wouldn't be a problem...
At what point in the process for 1/s^(-1) do you feel things would be different for 1/s^(-2)? Where are you getting stuck in the process?...but to the -2 is confusing me.
I think this means, "Yes, that's the expression I meant. My understanding is that 1/s^(-1) = s^(+1) = s^1 = s."Thanks. Yes that's the format. s = 1 / s-1
I'm sorry, but I have no idea what this means...?so as it's to the -2 I'm thinking how do I cancel the minus 2...
I think this means, "Yes, that's the expression I meant. My understanding is that 1/s^(-1) = s^(+1) = s^1 = s."
I'm sorry, but I have no idea what this means...?
Have you studied exponents at all? If not (or if you just missed the class meetings when they covered negative exponents), try here.
Tattoo this on your wrist:
a / x^(-b) = ax^b