Calculate 341+5679+4532+5991 (Mod 10).
What is the unit digit of 341+5679+4532+5991.
The first part is easy
341+5679+4532+5991(Mod 10) = 1+9+2+1 = 13 Mod 10 =3.
I can’t figure out unit digit from the remainder which I m sure is the idea.
i think the answer is 3 but the answer book says 2. I think I am right and the answer book is wrong !
What is the unit digit of 341+5679+4532+5991.
The first part is easy
341+5679+4532+5991(Mod 10) = 1+9+2+1 = 13 Mod 10 =3.
I can’t figure out unit digit from the remainder which I m sure is the idea.
i think the answer is 3 but the answer book says 2. I think I am right and the answer book is wrong !