Thanks in advance..
I am trying to understand this relationship...I am not sure how to calculate the problem.
Assumptions: Rod, Allthread , and paper tubing are long enough...As the all-thread turns, the block of wood goes with it.
I have a 3/4" piece of all thread ( COURSE THREADS), 10 threads per inch. Attached to it is a block of wood that slides on its own stationary rod, as not to rotate with all thread.
I am turning the 3/4" Allthread at 10 rpm.
Opposite to the all-thread, I have a 2" piece of paper tubing that is turning at 10 rpm also.
If I attach and center a pencil on the block of wood, attached to the all-thread, and rest it on the paper tubing, and turn each 10 RPM, how many lines will be drawn on the paper tubing in 1 minute?
Again thanks
I am trying to understand this relationship...I am not sure how to calculate the problem.
Assumptions: Rod, Allthread , and paper tubing are long enough...As the all-thread turns, the block of wood goes with it.
I have a 3/4" piece of all thread ( COURSE THREADS), 10 threads per inch. Attached to it is a block of wood that slides on its own stationary rod, as not to rotate with all thread.
I am turning the 3/4" Allthread at 10 rpm.
Opposite to the all-thread, I have a 2" piece of paper tubing that is turning at 10 rpm also.
If I attach and center a pencil on the block of wood, attached to the all-thread, and rest it on the paper tubing, and turn each 10 RPM, how many lines will be drawn on the paper tubing in 1 minute?
Again thanks