Try to Focus!


Super Moderator
Oct 6, 2005
CLICK HERE to display an image, and then stare at it for a long time.

Are the circular bands troughs or ridges?

Are there actually circular bands at all?

(Use at your own risk; I am not responsible for brain damage or blindness.)
Hello, mmm4444bot!

Interesting design, but I'm not impressed.

I stared at it for five consecutive minutes yesterday and saw nothing interesting.

But I've noticed that since then, I sometimes forget what I'm doing in the middle of a

ooo i agree, it is a very interesting design. I see circular bands in the middle and then spirals as you move outward. Isn't this one of those tricky looking puzzles? It's kind of hard to say that you see one exact thing, when you see something new everytime you blink. lol Anyways, I don't really like these picture designs, they always make me feel dizzy afterwards.
Shut one eye and look at it with the other...for me, it stops moving...anybody else?