Truth Table


New member
Aug 11, 2012
Please help me construct a truth table [p ® (~q Ú r)] Ù ~[q Ú (p « ~r)]
Please help me construct a truth table [p ® (~q Ú r)] Ù ~[q Ú (p « ~r)]
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Please help me construct a truth table

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Hello, gladz!

Didn't you PREVIEW your post?
You have some strange symbols in there!
I'll guess what you intended . . .

Construct a truth table: .[p ® (~q Ú r)] Ù ~[q Ú (p « ~r)]

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{|c|c|c||ccccccccccc|}\hline p&q&r&\big[p & \to & (\sim q & \vee & r)\big] & \vee & \big[q & \vee & (p & \wedge & \sim r)\big] \\ \hline \hline T&T&T & T&T&F&T&T &\bf{T}& T&T&T&F&F \\ T&T&F & T&F&F&F&F &\bf{T}& T&T&T&T&T \\ T&F&T & T&T&T&T&T &\bf{T}& F&F&T&F&F \\ T&F&F & T&T&T&T&F &\bf{T}& F&T&T&T&T \\ F&T&T & F&T&F&T&T &\bf{T}& T&T&F&F&F \\ F&T&F & F&T&F&F&F &\bf{T}& T&T&F&F&T \\ F&F&T & F&T&T&T&T &\bf{T}& F&F&F&F&F \\ F&F&F & F&T&T&T&F &\bf{T}& F&T&F&F&T \\ \hline &&& 1&3&1&2&1 &4& 1&3&1&2&1 \\ \hline \end{array} \)

The statement is a tautology.