Hi all
Having trouble with this integral: (let int denote integral)
Heres what I have attempted/thought so far.
1. shouldnt make a substitution for (x^6+1) because it would leave me with an uncancelled factor of x
2. cant integrate by parts because I would either have to integrate (x^6+1)^(5/6) which would just keep increasing the power or differentiate it which would just keep decreasing it and what i feel like the crux of the problem is doesnt change.
3. then i thought id try to make u^(6/5) = x^6+1 to cancel the (-5/6) exponent but that would increase the power of x (at least according to what I did, rearranged dx = (u^(1/5)du/5x^5)
4. tried looking through my notes and the profs notes he posted online but I cant find a similar integration senario to go off of
5. tried simplifying the denominator by multiplying by (x^6+1)^(1/5)/((x^6+1)^(1/5)) but im still left powers of x that i cant see a substitution for
6. checked online integral solver for a hint. they said to let u = ((x^6+1)^1/6)/(x) which I can see right away is just one less power of each function. I worked through that and it in fact does work and when i sub back in eliminates the integral down to int{1}du.
I feel like there has to be a better strategyfor this one that im not seeing. Or is reducing powers a go to strategy for 1/some function integrals
If you could perhaps suggest a different starting point or offer some pointers on how to approach a problem like this I would appreciate it!
Having trouble with this integral: (let int denote integral)
Heres what I have attempted/thought so far.
1. shouldnt make a substitution for (x^6+1) because it would leave me with an uncancelled factor of x
2. cant integrate by parts because I would either have to integrate (x^6+1)^(5/6) which would just keep increasing the power or differentiate it which would just keep decreasing it and what i feel like the crux of the problem is doesnt change.
3. then i thought id try to make u^(6/5) = x^6+1 to cancel the (-5/6) exponent but that would increase the power of x (at least according to what I did, rearranged dx = (u^(1/5)du/5x^5)
4. tried looking through my notes and the profs notes he posted online but I cant find a similar integration senario to go off of
5. tried simplifying the denominator by multiplying by (x^6+1)^(1/5)/((x^6+1)^(1/5)) but im still left powers of x that i cant see a substitution for
6. checked online integral solver for a hint. they said to let u = ((x^6+1)^1/6)/(x) which I can see right away is just one less power of each function. I worked through that and it in fact does work and when i sub back in eliminates the integral down to int{1}du.
I feel like there has to be a better strategyfor this one that im not seeing. Or is reducing powers a go to strategy for 1/some function integrals
If you could perhaps suggest a different starting point or offer some pointers on how to approach a problem like this I would appreciate it!