Trigonometric substitution: int cos^5 (17x) dx, -2pi to pi/2

Here's a nice little general formula for the integrals of \(\displaystyle cos^{5}(nx)\)

\(\displaystyle \L\\\int{cos^{5}(nx)}dx=\frac{sin(nx)(3cos^{4}(nx)+4cos^{2}(nx)+8)}{15n}\)

You have n=17

If you must integrate it all the long arduous way, you could start with the identity

\(\displaystyle 1-sin^{2}(17x)=cos^{2}(17x)\)

Then you have:

\(\displaystyle \L\\\int_{-2\pi}^{\frac{\pi}{2}}(1-sin^{2}(17x))^{2}cos(17x)dx\)
I'm rather fond of some symmetry exploitation.

I assumed you meant -\(\displaystyle \pi\)/2, not -2\(\displaystyle \pi\)

\(\displaystyle \L\,2*\int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{34}}{cos^{5}(17x)}\,dx\)

Unless you REALLY meant -2\(\displaystyle \pi\), then it's just

\(\displaystyle \L\,\int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{34}}{cos^{5}(17x)}\,dx\)

Of course, that doesn't simplify the antiderivative any. It certainly does simplify life in the numerical world.