Solve each equation below on the interval 0 less than or = to theta less than 2 pi.
I will use SQ to represent the word squared.
1) 1 + sinx = 2cosSQ(x)
Should I convert 2cosSQ(x) to 1 - 2sinSQ(x) and equate BOTH sides?
If so, how do I factor afterward?
2) 3 - sinx = cos2x
For question 2, I got: pi/2, 0, 2pi and pi as my asnwers but the textbook tells me that I am wrong.
If so, how do I solve question 2? What are the steps? If I need to factor, can someone please show me how to factor trig equations?
I will use SQ to represent the word squared.
1) 1 + sinx = 2cosSQ(x)
Should I convert 2cosSQ(x) to 1 - 2sinSQ(x) and equate BOTH sides?
If so, how do I factor afterward?
2) 3 - sinx = cos2x
For question 2, I got: pi/2, 0, 2pi and pi as my asnwers but the textbook tells me that I am wrong.
If so, how do I solve question 2? What are the steps? If I need to factor, can someone please show me how to factor trig equations?