Trig Help



Hey can anyone help me with this. I'm trying to find the area ofa sector of a circle. This is the question r= 32.4 in. A= 347 in sq. whats the angle? I know that A/Pir sq. = angle/360. I can find area but how to I find it when the angle is what I'm looking for?
The area of a circular sector is given by: \(\displaystyle A=\frac{1}{2}r^{2}{\theta}\)

Fill in your known values and solve for theta.
Bahabeach said:
This is the question r= 32.4 in. A= 347 in sq.
is A the area of the circle?
pi * 32.4^2 is close to 3300 sq in : where does your 347 come from?

Looks like you need more help than you can get here...
The radius of this circle is 32.4in.
The Area is 324in squared
Angle = ?

Ratio of the central angle of the sector to 360.
How do I find that central angle. (0)
Bahabeach said:
The radius of this circle is 32.4in.
The Area is 324in squared

THAT'S WRONG! Told you that already.

Angle = ?
Ratio of the central angle of the sector to 360.
How do I find that central angle. (0)

If you can't calculate the area of a circle, you're NOT ready for this:
see your teacher...and start listening in class, hear?
Bahabeach said:
The radius of this circle is 32.4in.
The Area is 324in squared
The area of what is "324 in<sup>2</sup>"? As was mentioned earlier, this cannot be the area of the circle.

In your initial post, you say that you're trying to find the area of some sector, so this area must not be that, either. And without knowing how the radius of the circle and the area of the (we don't know yet) relate, I'm not sure how one would go about finding this sector's area.

Were you maybe given the angle subtending the sector...?

Please reply with the word-for-word text of the exercise and its instructions. Thank you for your help.

Constructive response only.

If you have no constructive response please do not bother responding. This is a question that I'm asking for help with so please excuse yourself from any further response. Further more this is a question in the Analytic Trig Book that we're assigned.

I'm sorry you're offended by our need to know what the actual question is. Please be advised that very few tutors are able to read minds, and that many, if not most, will request that you kindly post the question clearly and completely.

Again, I apologize for unintentionally having hurt your feelings. My best wishes to you in your studies.

Ok I'll try Eliz

There is a circle in the book with a shaded (Area), in the center is the angle (0).
There is a note that says:
The ratio of the area of a sector of a circle (A) to the total area of the circle (Pir squared) is the same as the ratio of the central angle of the sector (0) to 360.

Then the question follows: If r=32.4 in, A=347in (squared) (0)=? (find to one decimal place) [/code]
Sorry Eliz not you

I was refering to Denis when I posted that reply. Again I apolgize
Hey Beachhead, pipe down!

Your problem as posted is as silly as:
apples cost 25 cents each, and Jim bought 20;
Jim spent 2 dollars.
But 20 times 25cents = 5 dollars

You posted:
radius of circle = 32.4 in
Area of circle = 347 sq in
But pi * 32.4 squared = approximately 3300 sq in
Attempting to be civil is apparently not working. (Denis)

Listen I was under the impresssion this site was for help and that you were some tutor with an ounce of sense. But again I repeat excuse yourself and your assinine behavior Denis.
Bahabeach said:
Hey can anyone help me with this. I'm trying to find the area ofa sector of a circle. This is the question r= 32.4 in. A= 347 in sq. whats the angle? I know that A/Pir sq. = angle/360. I can find area but how to I find it when the angle is what I'm looking for?

If YOU had any sense whatsoever, Beachhead, you would not have posted that
as your initial post...

You would have posted this (which you just did):
"There is a circle in the book with a shaded (Area), in the center is the angle (0).
There is a note that says:
The ratio of the area of a sector of a circle (A) to the total area of the circle (Pir squared) is the same as the ratio of the central angle of the sector (0) to 360.
Then the question follows: If r=32.4 in, A=347in (squared) (0)=? (find to one decimal place) "

Now that's CLEAR!

Let central angle = a
sector area / circle area = a / 360
347 / 3298 = a / 360 : area is actually 3297.9183..., so using 3298
3298a = 347(360)
3298a = 124920
a = 124920 / 3298 = 37.8775...
which is 37.8 or 37.9 to one decimal place (depends on rounding)

Ya'll ok now :shock:

By the way, buddy, we're not tutors; we do this on free time,
and only to TRY and help when reasonable...