treeline elevation


New member
Jan 31, 2008
Biomes change horizontally, with increasing distance from the equator, and vertically, with increasing distance above sea level. This can be graphically represented by the way that the treeline drops from very high (16,000 ft above sea level at the equator) to sea level at 70 deg North latitude ....question is At what elevation would you expect to find the treeline at our latitude in the NYC Metropolitan area?
johnq86 said:
Biomes change horizontally, with increasing distance from the equator, and vertically, with increasing distance above sea level. This can be graphically represented by the way that the treeline drops from very high (16,000 ft above sea level at the equator) to sea level at 70 deg North latitude ....question is At what elevation would you expect to find the treeline at our latitude in the NYC Metropolitan area?

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