Train go CHOO CHOO: after 7 hrs, trains are 945 mi apart


New member
Oct 9, 2008
A freight train leaves Kansas City and travels due west. Apassenger train departs at exactly the same time on a parallel track and travels due east at a speed that is twice the speed of the freight train. After seven hours the trains are 945 miles apart. how fast is each train traveling?

I would appreciate a fomula for this problem I can take it from there just stuck on how to set it up.

Re: Train go CHOO CHOO

Draw a sketch.



Name things.
Distance = rate X time
r = rate of freight train.
2r = rate of passenger train.
time of freight train = time of passenger train = 7 hrs.

Now set up your equation on the basis that the distance the freight train travels plus the distance the passenger train travels equals 945 miles and solve for r.

corrected in blue.
Re: Train go CHOO CHOO

Or pretend it's 1 train that travelled 945 miles in 7 hours: what's the speed?
Now apportion that speed 1:2