If this number 4,199,497,929,708 = 2,500,000,000
How much would this number equal: 1,656,606,678,386 = ?????
Also how much would this number be: 5,459,374,308,620 = ??? my guess is 3,077,000,000
Please show how this problem is solved. We are trying to figure it out! Thank you.
This is the reason why below explain more details.
If this number 4,199,497,929,708 EXP = 2,500,000,000 GEONS(IN GAME MONEY)
How much would this number equal: 1,656,606,678,386 EXP = ????? GEONS(IN GAME MONEY)
Also how much would this number be: 5,459,374,308,620 EXP = ??? my guess is 3,077,000,000 GEONS(IN GAME MONEY)
How much would this number equal: 1,656,606,678,386 = ?????
Also how much would this number be: 5,459,374,308,620 = ??? my guess is 3,077,000,000
Please show how this problem is solved. We are trying to figure it out! Thank you.
This is the reason why below explain more details.
If this number 4,199,497,929,708 EXP = 2,500,000,000 GEONS(IN GAME MONEY)
How much would this number equal: 1,656,606,678,386 EXP = ????? GEONS(IN GAME MONEY)
Also how much would this number be: 5,459,374,308,620 EXP = ??? my guess is 3,077,000,000 GEONS(IN GAME MONEY)