Time decimal conversion question


New member
Apr 3, 2012
I am not good at time and decimal conversions because they are very confusing to me. Can you please expain this so that I might possibly understand? Your kind, sincere consideration would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so very much. Your friend always respectfully, Hank

Is 4.55 minutes exactly half of 9 minutes 6 seconds?
If so, can you please show/explain to me:

How is 4.55 minutes exactly 1/2 of 9 minutes 6 seconds?
Or is 4.55 rounded up in this situation?

I cannot seem to comprehend this and it is very frustrating for me.


I will be studying on this closely today. Thanks so much for your sincere time and honest considerations. Your friend always respectfully Hank
9 minutes is the same as 9 * 60 seconds = 540 seconds. With me so far?

9 minutes 6 seconds is therefore 546 seconds. Seem sensible so far?

Now to turn x seconds into minutes, we divide x by 60. For example, 180 seconds = (180 / 60) minutes = 3 minutes. Nothing tricky about that, is there?

OK so we want to turn 546 seconds into minutes. So we divide by 60 exactly like the previous example.

546 / 60 = 9.1 minutes. Check it out on your own calculator.

And one half of 9.1 minutes is exactly 4.55 minutes as you can verify yourself.

Does this help?