three dimensional coordinate systems


Junior Member
Sep 24, 2005
on a three dimensional coordinate system, how would you go about determining whether or not a group of points lie on a straight line.

eg. A (x1,y1,z1), B (x2,y2,z2), C (x3,y3,z3)

thanks :)
One method might be to find the distances between the pairs of points. If the sum of two of the distances equals the third, then the lines must be collinear. :D

Determine whether the points lie on a straight line.
(a) A(2,4,2) B(3,7,-2) C(1,3,3)
i got
|AB| = 5.099
|AC|= 1.73
|BC|= 6.708

the answer for the back of this says they are not on a straight line

(b) D(0,-5,5) E(1,-2,4) F (3,4,2)
i got
|AB| = 3.316
|AC| = 9.949
|BC| = 6.48

the answer for this one says they are on a straight line

so i still dont get how this works.. becuase when calculating two sums for each.. they are both off about the same.. so why is one on a sraight line and not the other?!
maeveoneill said:
on a three dimensional coordinate system, how would you go about determining whether or not a group of points lie on a straight line. eg. A (x1,y1,z1), B (x2,y2,z2), C (x3,y3,z3)

Almost any question about lines involves slopes.

Is it true that:
\(\displaystyle \frac{{y_2 - y_1 }}{{x_2 - x_1 }} = \frac{{y_3 - y_1 }}{{x_3 - x_1 }}\)

Same slope means "on the same line'.
okay i would understand doing that if they were on a two dimensional plane.. butt shouldnt there be something to incorporate teh z coordinate because its a three dimensional plane?
I am sorry to say that I really did miss-read your question.
However, the answer is basically the same.
maeveoneill said:
(a) A(2,4,2) B(3,7,-2) C(1,3,3)
i got
|AB| = 5.099
|AC|= 1.73
|BC|= 6.708
Is round-off error perhaps causing some problems...? :shock:

Try doing the calculations exactly, instead of in your calculator:

. . . . .|AB| = sqrt[(2 - 3)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] + (4 - 7)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] + (2 - (-2))[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n]] = sqrt[1 + 9 + 16] = sqrt[26]

. . . . .|AC| = sqrt[(2 - 1)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] + (4 - 3)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] + (2 - 3)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n]] = sqrt[1 + 1 + 1] = sqrt[3]

. . . . .|BC| = sqrt[(3 - 1)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] + (7 - 3)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] + (-2 - 3)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n]] = sqrt[4 + 16 + 25] = sqrt[45]

It's hard to "see" anything from this. For sqrt[26] + sqrt[3] to equal sqrt[45], their squares would have to be equal as well. But:

. . . . .(sqrt[26] + sqrt[3])[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] = 26 + 2sqrt[78] + 9 = 35 + 2sqrt[78]

. . . . .(sqrt[45])[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] = 45

Since sqrt[78] does not equal 5, then these cannot be equal, and the points cannot be collinear.

On the other hand:

maeveoneill said:
(b) D(0,-5,5) E(1,-2,4) F (3,4,2)
. . . . .|DE| = sqrt[(0 - 1)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] + (-5 - (-2))[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] + (5 - 4)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n]] = sqrt[1 + 9 + 1] = sqrt[11]

. . . . .|DF| = sqrt[(0 - 3)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] + (-5 - 4)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] + (5 - 2)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n]] = sqrt[9 + 81 + 9] = sqrt[99] = 3 sqrt[11]

. . . . .|EF| = sqrt[(1 - 3)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] + (-2 - 4)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n] + (4 - 2)[sup:227j0n0n]2[/sup:227j0n0n]] = sqrt[4 + 36 + 4] = sqrt[44] = 2 sqrt[11]

Since 1 sqrt[11] + 2 sqrt[11] equals 3 sqrt[11], these points are indeed collinear. :D

Round-off error can be a killer! :wink:
