Thank you for the explanations, I believe I understand. So basically, before and after "flight" of the object the function is discontinuous and therefore can't be derived?
I'm only in Calc I, and we're starting to wrap up the last chapter (second to last test this coming Friday and final three weeks from then). Unfortunately I'm not doing so well in the class, but fortunately I don't think I'm alone in this from the average test scores are pretty bad. Mine however, have been exceptionally dismal. I am in a position of where I can salvage my grade through a lot of hard work and determination as he is curving the final grade of the class.
I actually take Calc I, the semester prior to this but had to drop due to financial problems with financial aid and my veteran benefits and get a job. I did take the first test though and got a strong B, this time around though (at a different school) things are much different.
Unfortunately I found this forum a bit late in the semester but I'm going to try and get past this class and focus more next semester.
Technically, the position of the ball before, during, and after the flight is a continuous function of time. Given any time, the position of the ball can be determined, and that position is always "close" to the position that it was in a very small increment of time earlier or later. That is an intuitive but not rigorous definition of "continuous." Make sense?
There are times, however, when that position function is not differentiable. Let's think of one of those times as being the splat moment. Before the splat, the ball is traveling downward and its speed is increasing. It has increasingly negative velocity, and then it comes to an abrupt halt. That is a discontinuity. It is velocity as a function of time that is discontinuous, not position. But the velocity function is the derivative of the position function. After the splat, the velocity is zero. Before the splat, the velocity is increasingly negative. The behavior of the velocity changes suddenly at the splat moment; it does jump. So because the velocity function is discontinuous at the splat moment, we say that the position function is not differentiable at the splat moment.
The difference is this. If a function is continuous at point x, the value of the function at point x is very close to the value of that function at points very close to point x. That is not hard to understand. Intuitively, it means there are no sudden jumps in value. If a function is differentiable at point x, it is continuous at point x, but it has another feature. The changes in the value of a function differentiable at x between two points that are both very close to x and are very close to each other, those changes are equal or almost equal. To be super-informal, a continuous function is smooth, but a differentiable function is extra smooth. Differential calculus is the study of extra-smooth functions.
I hope this helps.
EDIT You may hate to hear this, but integral calculus is a lot harder than differential calculus, in large part because it uses differential calculus intensively. You may want to repeat this course or maybe take an online course if you feel shaky.