The size of differential

Please explain your question in detail. What were you told about differentials that you are disputing? How are you defining differentials? And what do you mean by "actual" in each phrase of your question?

I'm not sure a differential has a size at all, the way I think of them.
The original sentence is:
"Differential (from any order) can't get actual(=real) size"
1. Why differential from 1st order haven't?
2. Why differential from nth order haven't? [Sorry, that I don't post it first but my computer full of bugs (or virus or something)
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I have no idea what any of this means. Have you translated it from another language? That can make it difficult.

Possibly it will make sense if you state the context of this sentence -- the entire paragraph, and the topic being discussed.
Now I understand. The article describe the concepts of Libeniz. So, there is a Actual infinity and the next I don't remember.
So, What is differential of actual concepts in Libeniz terms.
There is "size" to that