The Future


Staff member
Dec 21, 2002
If anyone is curious about the future design of you can feel free to checkout

I know it seems like I'm always playing around with the design to some extent, but if you take a look you'll see that this is a completely different concept from how it's always been. From a technical point of view the design is now 100% XHTML and CSS, so that means no tables or HTML was used to style the site, and the actual XHTML file is purely content (so it's also about 20% of the file size too).

Additionally I've reorganized the navigation, made the layout flow smoothly as the browser is re-sized, and made the code far more standards-compliant.

None of the links actually go anywhere and this is still way out in the future, but I kind of like the cleanness of the design. It seems a million times more intuitive to me as well. Oh and I promise I will finally add a site search capability. Any comments?


And btw Gene, I just took a look at this in the WebTV Viewer on my computer and it's pretty much unusable for you. However - the beauty of this CSS based layout is that I can easily create a separate "stylesheet" that will be used by WebTV only and will produce an optimized page for WebTV users. It doesn't require any modification of the content at all. I just haven't done so yet ;)

Alas, it appears there are only two WebTV users on the site. Don't spend too much time on us :cry:

PS. If there ARE any others here, please contradict this post.