The 1% Club, Saturday 22nd April 2023.

The Highlander

Senior Member
Feb 18, 2022
This week’s 1% Club quiz show (selected) screengrabs…

For anyone not familiar with this show (new members?), it presents a series of logic puzzles that have been “tested” on members of the public to determine what percentage of (ordinary) people can solve them. They are then ‘ranked’ in difficulty from those that 90% of the public ‘should’ be able to solve right up to those that only 1% can answer.

For the benefit of those that don’t live in the UK or who can’t watch the show on ‘catch up’ or a streaming service I will post a select few of the puzzles. Nobody’s obliged to attempt them or even read on if you’re not interested but quite a few members seemed to enjoy the ones I posted from the first series (season for our American friends ).

I have adopted a new ‘system’ for watching the show myself. Having recorded it I then pause the show when each puzzle appears and start my own timer. So, I am only going to post those puzzles that I was unable to solve within the time limit as, clearly, if I could get them in under 30 seconds, they are far too easy for the big brains in here! ?
However, I may include some that I did get right within the time limit if I think they are worthy of inclusion for some reason in my opinion.

Also, to refine my ‘template’, I have now included a heading for every question in the show. That will allow me a comment on each question but, again, only certain questions will be included below these; it would just take me too long to include screengrabs for every question. This also allows me to say how I performed on each.
Furthermore, I have also been experiencing (persisting) problems trying to upload my screengrabs to
imgbb, therefore, this week I am trying a new hosting service (
postimage) so I just hope it will provide the same level of ‘service’ that I was used to with imgbb (when it worked!). If it does work as well I will probably use it in future (& others might wish to consider ‘switching’ to it too? @"")

The (show’s) rules are:-
Participants are allowed only 30 seconds to come up with an answer, however, since the presenter reveals and then reads out the question before the timer starts, it is reasonable to allow yourself 35 seconds after you click on the ‘Reveal’ button.

My ‘rule’ is (please respect it):-
Please do not post any answers (even under “Spoilers”) to the puzzles in this thread before I have posted the correct solutions!

I will post the answers in a day or so for everyone to see at the same time.

However, do feel free to post whether (or not) you got an answer and, ideally, whether you did so within (my) 35 second time limit.

Alternatively, you might wait until the correct answers are posted (to confirm whether yours agreed with them) and then let us know how you ‘performed’.

It’s just a bit of fun so it’s taken on trust that everyone will obey the rules (including mine) and be ‘honest’ about how they ‘scored’; we all know you don’t fool anyone but yourself if you lie about this kind of thing.

If anyone wants to have a look at previous shows’ questions, just click on the “Search” button (alongside your name up above), tick the “Search titles only” box and enter: “1% Club” as your search string.

Anyway, here we go…. Enjoy!

So this week’s (selected) questions are:-

The 90% Question:-
Got this in under 5 seconds; just too easy!

The 80% Question:-
Got this one as the presenter was reading it out; another very simple one

The 70% Question:-
Took me 10 seconds (basically just the time to read it); not worth including here.

The 60% Question:-
Took me almost the full 30 seconds to come up with an answer which, thankfully, turned out to be the correct one! Maybe I was a bit slow because everyone in the audience (who hadn’t been knocked out so far; 81 out of the original 100) also got it right too but I thought I would include it anyway.


The 50% Question:-
Under 10 seconds again (basically the time to read it) so, at first, I thought it wasn’t worthy of inclusion but 39 (not far off half those audience members remaining 'in the contest'!) couldn’t get it right so…


The 45% Question:-
Took me 95 seconds to spot the answer for this one but I have a 70 year-old’s eyesight!

I only got it when I moved closer to the telly (and finished counting her fingers & checking her thumbs were on the right hands. ?)

The 40% Question:-
I made a guess at this one just before the time ran out. I say “guess” because I wasn’t 100% sure my reasoning was correct but it turned out it was when the answer was eventually revealed. Maybe you can get it in a more comfortable time?


The 35% Question:-
Took me all of 15 seconds; too easy to include!

The 30% Question:-
Took me 36 seconds to get the answer. (I’m a slow 'counter'!)


The 25% Question:-
I stopped my timer after 20 seconds but then realized my answer was wrong so I don’t know how long it took me to get the right one (which I did get, eventually, before seeing the answer revealed). Time pressure features prominently on questions like this. Perhaps, if I hadn’t ‘panicked’ I might have got it right within the time limit.


The 20% Question:-
Took me 15 seconds. I realized my first thought was wrong but corrected it within that time.

The 15% Question:-
I got this but it took me 22 seconds (and a revised answer within that time).


The 10% Question:-
All of the 10 participants still in the game (and me) got this right so I won’t include it.

The 5% Question:-
This one beat me on time; took me 55 seconds to get the right answer.


The 1% Question:-
I spent just over 10 minutes trying to figure this one out (that included about 25 seconds looking at (and cursing ?) a spam text message that arrived on my mobile and interrupted my train of thought!) but eventually I did get the answer. No share of the big prize money for me then if I had opted to try my luck at it. Would you have done any better?

Two ‘contestants’ made it through to the 1% question but both decided not to attempt it so they left with £5,000 each. Wise decision as neither of them was able to answer correctly after the 30 seconds had elapsed. One guy in the audience (a PS teacher) reckoned he had it but, when asked, he realized his answer was wrong as soon as he said it, lol. However, one other guy did provide the right answer before it was revealed (dunno whether he got it within 30 seconds or it just occurred to him in the short time after the time limit ended and the presenter got around to asking him.

I hope you had fun attempting the puzzles and feel free to let us all know how you got on if you wish but please do not post (correct or otherwise) anyanswers’, even “hidden” under a Spoiler”, until after I have posted the ‘solutions’ myself in a few days. Whether you got an answer and in what time it took you will suffice (for now).

I am also now posting a new ‘proforma’ that members may wish to consider using for that very purpose.

B. ?
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Here is a ‘proforma’ that members might wish to make use of to post how they “got on” with this week’s ‘puzzles’

Simply hit the "
◄╗Reply" button (down below) and type your own comments against each question heading (if you are comfortable making a contribution this detailed) or just post your comments in your own preferred format.

For the sake of clarity, please delete all the text up to this point in your "reply"...

The 60% Question:

The 50% Question:

The 45% Question:

The 40% Question:

The 30% Question:

The 25% Question:

The 15% Question:

The 5% Question:

The 1% Question:
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If this is your first visit to this thread and you would like to attempt the questions yourself, then, please, scroll up to the top of the thread and start there (where there are no answers (conveniently) included). You will also get fuller information on how to “conduct” the quiz in the first post there.

Since the “official” answers are now posted here, there’s not much point in anyone posting their own answer(s) unless an answer they arrived at differs, rightly (in their opinion) or wrongly, from the one included here.

Notwithstanding that, members are, of course, encouraged to post how they got on, if they ‘tackled’ the quiz, by letting us know which questions they got the right answer to (within or outwith) the 35s time limit or which completely stumped them!

The “proforma” for doing so is reposted below. Feel free to use that or just post whatever else you wish instead.

This week’s answers follow:-

The 90% Question
:- [Omitted]
I got this in under 5 seconds; just too easy!

The 80% Question:- [Omitted]
Got this one as the presenter was reading it out; another very simple one

The 70% Question:- [Omitted]
Took me 10 seconds (basically just the time to read it); not worth including here.

The 60% Question:-
Took me almost the full 30 seconds to come up with an answer which, thankfully, turned out to be the correct one! Maybe I was a bit slow because everyone in the audience (who hadn’t been knocked out so far; 81 out of the original 100) also got it right too but I thought I would include it anyway.

The 50% Question:-
Under 10 seconds again (basically the time to read it) so, at first, I thought it wasn’t worthy of inclusion but 39 (not far off half those audience member remaining!) couldn’t get it right so…

The 45% Question:-
Took me 95 seconds to spot the answer for this one but I have a 70 year-old’s eyesight!

I only got it when I moved closer to the telly (and finished counting her fingers & checking her thumbs were on the right hands. )

The 40% Question:-
I made a guess at this one just before the time ran out. I say “guess” because I wasn’t 100% sure my reasoning was correct but it turned out it was when the answer was eventually revealed. Maybe you can get it in a more comfortable time?

The 35% Question:- [Omitted]
Took me all of 15 seconds; too easy to include!

The 30% Question:-
Took me 36 seconds to get the answer. (I’m a slow counter!)

The 25% Question:-
I stopped my timer after 20 seconds but then realized my answer was wrong so I don’t know how long it took me to get the right one (which I did get, eventually, before seeing the answer revealed). Time pressure features prominently on questions like this. Perhaps, if I hadn’t ‘panicked’ I might have got it right within the time limit.

The 20% Question:- [Omitted]
Took me 15 seconds. I realized my first thought was wrong but corrected it within that time.

The 15% Question:-
I got this but it took me 22 seconds (and a revised answer within that time).

The 10% Question:- [Omitted]
All of the 10 participants still in the game (and me) got this right so I won’t include it.

The 5% Question:-
This one beat me on time; took me 55 seconds to get the right answer.

The 1% Question:-
I spent just over 10 minutes trying to figure this one out (that included about 25 seconds looking at (and cursing
?) a spam text message that arrived on my mobile and interrupted my train of thought!) but eventually I did get the answer. No share of the big prize money for me then if I had opted to try my luck at it. Would you have done any better?


Hope you had fun trying the puzzles and would be interested to know how you got on with them. Please use the ‘proforma’ (in the next post) or just summarize your ‘performance’ in your own words if you prefer.

B. ??
Here is a ‘proforma’ that members might wish to make use of to post how they “got on” with this week’s ‘puzzles’

Simply hit the "
◄╗Reply" button (down below) and type your own comments against each question heading (if you are comfortable making a contribution this detailed) or just post your comments in your own preferred format.

For the sake of clarity, please delete all the text up to this point in your "reply"...

The 60% Question:

The 50% Question:

The 45% Question:

The 40% Question:

The 30% Question:

The 25% Question:

The 15% Question:

The 5% Question:

The 1% Question:
For Example:-

The 60% Question: Got this in 22s

The 50% Question: this one beat me, Took 45s.

The 45% Question: nearly got me, took 34 s!

The 40% Question: Got it in 15s

The 30% Question: easy, Peasy, lol. Only took me 7 s.

The 25% Question: Took me 42s

The 15% Question: Got it in 34s

The 5% Question: came to me eventually but after 2 minutes!

The 1% Question: Completely stumped!
I got the clock one for the wrong reason. I thought that the clock should be backwards but wasn't.