Thank you for your help

Your book and/or class should have provided some fairly straightforward formulas. How far have you gotten in applying them?

Please be specific. Thank you.

Dear Staple, thank you for your speedy reply, I am just finishing my transformations and have only just started into the world of conics. I am doing this all via correspondance and there is a MASSIVE time delay. The whole transformation section could have taken way way less time if I could only get quicker guidence...hence why I am on here. I'll be completely honest I need to spend way more time on the conics but I was only trying to get a head start as the transformations put me too far behind. I need to go back now and reply with my answers to all my transformation questions on here.
Thank you again for your speedy reply
We cannot replicate the missing classroom instruction, so please consider studying some of the many lessons available online:

. . . . .Google results for "conics vertices axes hyperbolas"

You might also want to consider hiring a tutor with whom you can work, face to face, for a few hours a week. By working directly with you and your course materials, he would be able to figure out where you're having trouble, and may be able to prevent difficulties by noting weak areas in the curriculum and providing supplemental help.
