ten-digit anagram of 3141592653 for person's name


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Each person's name is a unique 10-digit anagram of 3141592653 (no two people have the same name). What is the maximum number of combinations?

Re: ten-digit anagram

Hello, bulldog106!

Each person's name is a unique 10-digit anagram of 3141592653 (no two people have the same name).
What is the maximum number of combinations?

\(\displaystyle \text{We want the permutations of: }\:\{1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,6,9\}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{There are: }\:{10\choose2,2,2} \:=\:453,600\text{ permutations.}\)

Re: ten-digit anagram

I read online that I need to use nPr on my TI-84 Plus Silver Edition

How exactly would I solve this on my calculator? Thank you and sorry for the noob questions
Re: ten-digit anagram

Would you like fries with that?
Re: ten-digit anagram

Sure, it wouldn't hurt to teach me how to do it once on my calculator. That way I will know for next time.
Sure, it wouldn't hurt if I used google either, but I am having trouble finding it on it.
bulldog106 said:
Sure, it wouldn't hurt to teach me how to do it once on my calculator. That way I will know for next time.
And it wouldn't hurt if you learned how to use your manual, so you'd know how to find things on your own. :roll:

In case that's too hard for you (and you also mention that Google is too hard to use on your own), try here:

. . . . .Google results for "TI-84 nPr"

And, since the TI-83 is older but uses the same keys for this stuff:

. . . . .Google results for "TI-83 permutations"

If the above is still too complicated for you, then please consider hiring a qualified local tutor who can show you what buttons to push.
