Taylor series math question


New member
Apr 17, 2016
Good afternoon all

I'm stuck on a math question and require some help. This is one that's like the one that going to be on my maths exam. I have matlab and excel to use for it. can anyone help.

  1. The wear-out time of a machine is such that the probability of the machine wearing-out after hours but before hours is equal to the area under the curve

y= 1/(20√2π) e^(-(x-550)^2/800)

  1. Determine the Taylor series for up to and including the term by expanding about a convenient value of .

  1. Hence estimate the probability that the machine will wear out between and hours.

Good afternoon all

I'm stuck on a math question and require some help. This is one that's like the one that going to be on my maths exam. I have matlab and excel to use for it. can anyone help.

  1. The wear-out time of a machine is such that the probability of the machine wearing-out after hours but before hours is equal to the area under the curve

y= 1/(20√2π) e^(-(x-550)^2/800)

  1. Determine the Taylor series for up to and including the term by expanding about a convenient value of .

  1. Hence estimate the probability that the machine will wear out between and hours.

What are your thoughts? What have you done so far? Please show us your work even if you feel that it is wrong so we may try to help you. You might also read

Hint: The Maclaurin Series for eu should, IMO, probably be known at this level. If not, look at (14) and/or (39) on
Now let u = -(x-550)^2/800
Determine the Taylor series for [what?] up to and including the [which?] term by expanding about a convenient value of [what?].

Hence estimate the probability that the machine will wear out between [which?] and [which?] hours.
When you did your copy-and-paste from your online assessment, much of the information did not transfer. Please reply with the missing information (such as is noted above). When you reply, please include a clear listing of your thoughts and efforts so far. Thank you! ;)