Table of Mathematical Symbols


Junior Member
Jul 13, 2014
Hello could readers possibly type here some mathematical symbols that can be COPIED and PASTED when making our own posts. With symbols the maths is much easier to read. For example I found thread on this forum where someone explained how to make the SQUARE ROOT SYMBOL : √

Other useful symbols would be for PI, integration, alpha, beta. Also make a few FRACTIONS with numerator and denominator and we can then COPY the template and modify for our own use.

If readers familiar with these methods (codes) could post one or two symbols each then we'll soon manage to collate a large list. Thanks for your consideration.
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I'll start off with the SQUARE ROOT symbol

√ √ √ √
I have told you before that there is no easy way of doing symbols on a web-board.
There is simply no way to cut&paste. You must learn LaTeX coding.

Below are several examples:
Let [TEX]\exp(i\theta)=\cos(\theta)+i\sin(\theta)[/TEX].
Then for a complex number [TEX]z=x+yi [/TEX] then [TEX]\exp(z)=e^x\left(\exp(iy)\right)[/TEX].
Now we define [TEX]\log(z)=\ln(|z|)+i\left(\text{arg}(z)+2k\pi\right),~k\in\mathbb{Z} [/TEX]
 [TEX] \begin{align*} \mathcal{P}(C)&=\mathcal{P}(C\cap A)+ \mathcal{P}(C\cap B)\\ &= \mathcal(P)(A)\mathcal{P}(C|A)+ \mathcal(P)(B)\mathcal{P}(C|B)\\&=(0.1)(0.01)+(0.9)(0.05)\end{align*}[/TEX]
[TEX] \begin{array}{l} y=\arctan\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)\\tan(y)=\frac{1}{2} \\sin(y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} \end{array} [/TEX]
[TEX]F(x)=\begin{cases}x^2\\ln(R)-1 &: 0\le x<\pi\\x^2 & \pi\le x<2\pi\end{cases}[/TEX]

Let \(\displaystyle \exp(i\theta)=\cos(\theta)+i\sin(\theta)\).

Then for a complex number \(\displaystyle z=x+yi \) then \(\displaystyle \exp(z)=e^x\left(\exp(iy)\right)\).

Now we define \(\displaystyle \log(z)=\ln(|z|)+i\left(\text{arg}(z)+2k\pi\right),~k\in\mathbb{Z} \)

\(\displaystyle \begin{align*} \mathcal{P}(C)&=\mathcal{P}(C\cap A)+ \mathcal{P}(C\cap B)\\ &= \mathcal(P)(A)\mathcal{P}(C|A)+ \mathcal(P)(B)\mathcal{P}(C|B)\\&=(0.1)(0.01)+(0.9)(0.05)\end{align*}\)

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{l} y=\arctan\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)\\tan(y)=\frac{1}{2} \\sin(y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} \end{array} \)

\(\displaystyle F(x)=\begin{cases}x^2\\ln(R)-1 &: 0\le x<\pi\\x^2 & \pi\le x<2\pi\end{cases}\)
You can use <ALT> key on your keyboard to get some of the symbols (Less elegant than the LaTex display)

Free Download from

I use the <ALT> key to save time - sometimes!!
More symbols

Precede each number with "&#"
and follow it with ";" (semicolon).

183 · dot
176 ° deg
177 ± plus/minus

952 θ theta
960 π pi
945 α alpha
946 β beta
947 γ gamma
966 φ phi

247 ÷ div
189 ½ half
188 ¼ quarter
190 ¾ 3-fourths
178 ² square
179 ³ cube
162 ¢ cent

8776 ≈ approx.
8730 √ sqrt
8710 ∆ delta
8800 ≠ ne
8804 ≤ le
8805 ≥ ge

8594 → Rarrow
8592 ← Larrow
8593 ↑ Uarrow
8595 ↓ Darrow

8704 ∀ forall
8707 ∃ exists
8712 ∈ in
8834 ⊂ subset
8835 ⊃ supset
8745 ∩ intersect
8801 ≡ equivalent

8706 ∂ partial
8709 ∅ emptyset
8869 ⊥ perp
8756 ∴ therefore

9674 ◊ diamond
9824 ♠ spade
9829 ♥ heart
9827 ♣ club
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Thanks for those codes Soroban. Didn't know about them before. Will make maths equation typing a little more easy. For my basic maths requirement I won't need to go into the effort of learning LaTeX though thanks for the idea Subhotosh.Typed in a few &# random codes and is quite interesting:৴끄ᘊᴛ?Ȯ?
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Thanks for those codes Soroban. Didn't know about them before. Will make maths equation typing a little more easy. For my basic maths requirement I won't need to go into the effort of learning LaTeX though thanks for the idea Subhotosh.Typed in a few &# random codes and is quite interesting:৴끄ᘊᴛ?Ȯ?

I agree with pka. Latex is very intuitive to learn, and you can make use of the Wikibook ( or the online latex code generator ( to help you. Ultimately, the comprehensive reference guide listing all symbols' coding is found at .