System of Linear Equations - 3 equations, 3 variables


New member
Nov 12, 2007
I am utterly confused on how to do this, and I don't really get what my math teacher has told me. Would you please also explain //why// you do what you do?

So, here's my first set of equations:

1) 3x+2y-z=8
2) -3x+4y+5z=-14
3) x-3y+4z=-14

I added the first two equations together to get "6y+4z=-6", but I don't know if I was supposed to do that, and, if I was, what to do with it now.
xwintersnight said:
I am utterly confused on how to do this.... Would you please also explain //why// you do what you do?
It's probably easier to start with two equations in two unknowns. Unfortunately, we really cannot provide the requested lesson within this enviroment. Fortunately, there are loads of great lessons available online! :wink:

. . . . .Google results for "solving systems linear equations"

Once you have studied some lessons (at least two!) and followed the worked examples step-by-step, please attempt this exercise. If you get stuck, please reply showing your work and reasoning. :idea:

Thank you! :D
