I'm not really sure how you're supposed to use synethetic division for this, either, frankly. :shock: Synthetic division allows you to divide (or evaluate) a one-variable polynomial by linear factor (or at a real-valued number, respectively).
At a guess, the "one" variable is the "x", and the "y" is meant to be dealt with as though it were a number, like 2, 2<sup>2</sup>, 2<sup>3</sup>, etc. So you'd be dividing by x - y (or evaluating at x = y), and dividing into x<sup>4</sup> + 0x<sup>3</sup> + 0x<sup>2</sup> + 0x - y<sup>4</sup>, with "y<sup>4</sup>" being, in effect, the constant term. If this is correct, then you'd have the following:
y | 1 0 0 0 -y^4
| y y^2 y^3 y^4
1 y y^2 y^3 0
Recalling that this last line here displays only the constants of the cubic (in x) that is the quotient, the division would then yield x<sup>3</sup> + x<sup>2</sup>y + xy<sup>2</sup> + y<sup>3</sup>, with a zero remainder. Since this matches what you got "the long way", this is probably valid.
...still seems an odd way to use synthetic division, though....