Symmetry: determine symmetry of 5x^3 - 6y^5 = 3


New member
Mar 12, 2007
I really need help with this problem....

Determine whether the given equation is symmetric to the x axis, the y axis, or the origin...


I really don't even know where to begin with this problem. Please help!
Re: Symmetry

First you should convert the equation to:


\(\displaystyle y = {[\frac{1}{6}\cdot(5\cdot x^3 -3)]}^{\frac{1}{5}}\)

Then use a graphing calculator to plot it and look at it.

Then, I would find (from text book, classnotes, google, etc.)

- What is/are the condition/s for symmetry around x-axis?

- What is/are the condition/s for symmetry around y-axis?

- What is/are the condition/s for symmetry around origin?

Does your curve look symmetric?

If yes - then state what condition/s it fulfilled to be symmetric.

If no - then state what condition/s it did not fulfil to violate symmetry.