Symbolic logic problems


New member
Oct 27, 2020
Say that a sentence in our formal language is contingent if it is neither a tautology nor a contradiction. Let X and Y stand for sentences.

For each question below, if you answer “yes” provide a brief explanation; if you answer “no” provide a counterexample.

1) If X V Y is contingent, then either X is contingent or Y is contingent.
2) If X is contingent, then there is some contingent sentence Y such that X ^ Y is a contradiction.
3) If for all contingent sentences Y, X ^ Y is contingent, then X is a tautology.
4) If for some contingent sentence Y, X ^ Y is a contradiction, then X is contingent.

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Say that a sentence in our formal language is contingent if it is neither a tautology nor a contradiction. Let X and Y stand for sentences.
For each question below, if you answer “yes” provide a brief explanation; if you answer “no” provide a counterexample.
1) If X V Y is contingent, then either X is contingent or Y is contingent.
2) If X is contingent, then there is some contingent sentence Y such that X ^ Y is a contradiction.
3) If for all contingent sentences Y, X ^ Y is contingent, then X is a tautology.
4) If for some contingent sentence Y, X ^ Y is a contradiction, then X is contingent.
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