Swell crypt?

Expand bigX (6)

This feels illegal, because the whole word and one part are closely related, but:

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fatten = fat + ten
Like it is...else expand (6)
fact = like it is
or = else
factor = expand (mathematics)

I wouldn't consider "factor" to be a synonym of "expand", but I suppose someone might take it that way. Technically, they are considered opposites.

Note that my semi-objection to "fatten" was not just that it contains "fat" (that's typical of cryptics), but that they are linguistically related ("fatten" being a verbal form of "fat"), which is not true of "factor" and "fact" (though ultimately they are etymologically related). In regular crosswords, an answer can't be directly related to a clue; but "fat" isn't part of the clue itself, which is why I only said it felt a little wrong.
… "fatten" being a verbal form of "fat" … they are etymologically related … I only said it felt a little wrong.
Them's a lot of fancy words, yer honor. Denis and I are but lowly cryptsters. I thank the court for this reprieve, and I give my word that I won't even use a hacked 'happy' to hammer out 'happiness' (unless I forget).

I for one am pleased, to have a judge for reviews. It will save Denis and I lot of typing. :D