Suppose object moves so that its accel. is a = <−3 cos t, −2 sin t, 0>


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Feb 22, 2017
Suppose object moves so that its accel. is a = <−3 cos t, −2 sin t, 0>

Suppose an object moves so that its acceleration is given by
a = <−3 cos t, −2 sin t, 0>
At time t = 0 the object is at (3, 0, 0) and its velocity vector is <0, 2, 0>.

Find v(t) and r(t) for the object.
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Suppose an object moves so that its acceleration is given by a =<h−3 cos t, −2 sin t, 0>.
At time t = 0 the object is at (3, 0, 0) and its velocity vector is <0, 2.1, 1>.
Find v(t) and r(t) for the object

Integrating the terms of a(t) results in expressions for the terms of v(t), with each term having an integration constant "C".
Then figure out the values (for each term) for C from the given initial velocity vector <0, 2.1, 1>, by evaluating v(0), setting each term equal to these values and solving.
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a = <−3 cos t, −2 sin t, 0>
At time t = 0 the object is at (3, 0, 0) and its velocity vector is <0, 2, 0>.

Find v(t) and r(t) for
the object.

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