Supply equations


New member
Mar 8, 2012
Wholesale price eggs represented by 625(p^2)-x^2=100
x=supply in thousands of cartons

If 2000 cartons of eggs are available at the beginning of a certain week and the price is falling at the rate of 1cent/carton/week at what rate is the supply changing?
Wholesale price eggs represented by 625(p^2)-x^2=100
x=supply in thousands of cartons

If 2000 cartons of eggs are available at the beginning of a certain week and the price is falling at the rate of 1cent/carton/week at what rate is the supply changing?

To start:

You are given p(x), and \(\displaystyle \frac{dp}{dt} \ = \ -1\)

You are asked to find \(\displaystyle \frac{dx}{dt}\)

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