Hi all
Pease help - I am 49 yrs old so this is not homework cheating
I need to find the smallest 2 conescutive natural numbers where the sum of digits are divisible by 10
I would really appreciate any assistance
Assuming conescutive is supposed to be consecutive: Any two consecutive digits can be written as (a)2n and 2n+1 or (b)2m+1 and 2m+2. Is the sum of the two consecutive digits odd or even? Is 10 odd or even?
EDIT: It has been pointed out to me very gently, thanks (possible) descendant of Genghis, that maybe what you meant was something like the following:
a=13; sum of digits = 4
b=14; sum of digits = 5
4+5 = 9
So, 13 and 14 doesn't work. Are there any two consecutive numbers which will produce 'a sum of digits' number divisible by 10? Let
a = x
0 + 10 x
1 + 10
2 x
2 + ... + 10
n x
b = y
0 + 10 y
1 + 10
2 y
2 + ... + 10
n y
where b=a+1. If A is the sum of the digits of a, and B is the sum of the digits of B, then if x
0 is eight of less, B = A+1, for example if x
0 is 0, then y
0 is 1 and y
j for j=1, 2, 3, ..., n; if x
0 is 1, then y
0 is 2 and .... So if x
0 is 8 or less the sum of digits of the two numbers is odd. For 10 to divide that number it must be divisible by 2 and 5 and an odd number is not divisible by 2. So the conclusion is, if the sum of digits is to be divisible by 10, x
0 must be 9.