sums of digits that are divisible by 10 - samllest consecutive numbers


New member
Apr 24, 2016
Hi all

Pease help - I am 49 yrs old so this is not homework cheating

I need to find the smallest 2 conescutive natural numbers where the sum of digits are divisible by 10

I would really appreciate any assistance

Hi all

Pease help - I am 49 yrs old so this is not homework cheating

I need to find the smallest 2 conescutive natural numbers where the sum of digits are divisible by 10

I would really appreciate any assistance

Assuming conescutive is supposed to be consecutive: Any two consecutive digits can be written as (a)2n and 2n+1 or (b)2m+1 and 2m+2. Is the sum of the two consecutive digits odd or even? Is 10 odd or even?

EDIT: It has been pointed out to me very gently, thanks (possible) descendant of Genghis, that maybe what you meant was something like the following:
a=13; sum of digits = 4
b=14; sum of digits = 5
4+5 = 9
So, 13 and 14 doesn't work. Are there any two consecutive numbers which will produce 'a sum of digits' number divisible by 10? Let
a = x0 + 10 x1 + 102 x2 + ... + 10n xn
b = y0 + 10 y1 + 102 y2 + ... + 10n yn
where b=a+1. If A is the sum of the digits of a, and B is the sum of the digits of B, then if x0 is eight of less, B = A+1, for example if x0 is 0, then y0 is 1 and yj=xj for j=1, 2, 3, ..., n; if x0 is 1, then y0 is 2 and .... So if x0 is 8 or less the sum of digits of the two numbers is odd. For 10 to divide that number it must be divisible by 2 and 5 and an odd number is not divisible by 2. So the conclusion is, if the sum of digits is to be divisible by 10, x0 must be 9.
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9,10 : sum digits = 10
59,60 : sum digits = 20
149,150 : sum digits = 20
So, in each case the smaller number has an 'x0' of nine. Taking the 'each number is two digits case', since the sum of any two digits must be less than 20 and the sum of all digits must add to a number divisible by 10, then y1=x1+1 and either y1+x1=1 or y1+x1=1. So 2x1+1=1 or 2x1+1=11. Obviously it must be the case of the latter, i.e. two digit numbers means neither x1 nor y1 is 0, so x1=5 and y1=6, i.e. 59, 60.

Do a similar process with 'one 1 digit and a two digit' [obviously x0=9 or if we let a two digit number have a leading digit of zero, then x0 above is 0], two 3 digit numbers, etc. [or build a computer program to spit them out].
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