… I get Sigma [notation] and I guess I treat Pi as the sum of Pi x in the equation?
No -- you don't use pi or add numbers, in this exercise.
The Greek alphabet contains upper-case letters and lower-case letters, just like the English alphabet. Note the differences.
The Greek upper-case letter Pi looks like this:
\(\displaystyle \Pi\)
The lower-case letter pi looks like this:
\(\displaystyle \pi\)
The upper-case letter Sigma looks like this:
\(\displaystyle \Sigma\)
The lower-case letter sigma looks like this:
\(\displaystyle \sigma\)
In mathematics, each of these symbols has a different meaning.
Sigma notation
\(\displaystyle \Sigma\) is used for summations; we add terms (elements in a set).
Pi notation
\(\displaystyle \Pi\) is used for products; we multiply terms.
\(\displaystyle \pi\) represents the constant 3.14159265… (i.e., the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter).
\(\displaystyle \sigma\) represents standard deviation (in statistics).
Of course, each of these symbols can be defined to represent other meanings in different contexts, but the definitions above are what you'll see most often (i.e., standard meanings).
The Pi notation in your exercise instructs you to multiply together terms 1 through 6, from the given set called x.
I'm also confused about the sum of x in the brackets …
There is no summation, in this exercise, because there is no
\(\displaystyle \Sigma\).
You just said you "get" Sigma notation. It seems like you're not quite there, yet.
For more exposure to the various patterns (eg: worked examples and practice exercises), google keywords
Sigma notation and also
Pi notation. Watch some videos; read some lessons; write out some worked examples (as you follow along); do extra practice problems.
If you see anything you don't understand, while studying, come back and ask us about it.
Cheers :cool: