Answer this guys please!!
Sorry, but as you read in the
Read Before Posting thread, that's not what we do on this forum. We don't
do your homework for you, but we're more than happy to give you hints you help you learn how to do it yourself. With that in mind, let's take a look at each problem:
1.What number subtracted from 40 results in a difference of 27.196?
The question starts by asking "What number..." so we know our answer will be some number. Let's keep reading. "...subtracted from 40..." What operation does this suggest you might want to use? Since the number [i.e. our answer] is subtracted
from 40, how do you think you should set up the expression? Will it look something like (answer) - 40? Why or why not?
2. From what number can you subtract 79.87 to get a difference of 24.13?
This problem is similar to the first, except now it starts "From what number." What does that suggest about how you might set up the expression? How is it different from problem #1? Do you understand why it's different?
3. From what number can you subtract 25.166 to get a difference of 96.85?
This is the same problem as #2, but with different numbers involved. If you can solve #2, use the same process as you did there and you should be set.
If you get stuck on any of these, that's okay. But when you reply, please include any and all work you've done on these problems, even if you know it's wrong. Thank you.