Steven's Unit


But apologies, personalized units only possible in jest. Max Planck beat us all to it. There are consolation prizes however, for second and third runner ups. Maybe ... just maybe ...
Me 2 sikkas ... \(\displaystyle 2\sqrt 2\) UNITS???
What if a nugget ( a unit of measure) is the same as 9/(2sqrt(2)) cm?. Then 9cm does in fact equal 2sqrt(2) nuggets.
The point I was making (which was done in another post) is that you can't say that 9cm equals a number. That number must have units attached to it. Does 3=1? No. But 3ft = 1 yd. Oh, you can say that 3ft = 1. NO! You must include units!!!
What if a nugget ( a unit of measure) is the same as 9/(2sqrt(2)) cm?. Then 9cm does in fact equal 2sqrt(2) nuggets.
The point I was making (which was done in another post) is that you can't say that 9cm equals a number. That number must have units attached to it. Does 3=1? No. But 3ft = 1 yd. Oh, you can say that 3ft = 1. NO! You must include units!!!
Si señor, units clear up the confusion.