square w/ circle within circle; square is 2500m^2, circle is


New member
May 15, 2007
it is a square with a circle within a circle. The square is 2500m^2.
The radius within the smaller circle is 20m
Entirely unable to decode. Please try much harder to express your problem statement.
Whepler said:
it is a square with a circle within a circle.
What is "it"? Are the nested circles related to the square in some particular manner?

Whepler said:
The square is 2500m^2.
Do you perhaps mean that "the square has an area of 2500 square meters"?

Whepler said:
The radius within the smaller circle is 20m
Do you perhaps mean "the radius OF the smaller circle"?

Were there no instructions for this exercise? (You haven't actually asked a question, so even if we had any way of guessing what sort of picture you're looking at, we still have no idea what you're supposed to be doing with it.)

Please reply with clarification, keeping in mind that we haven't been in your classroom and cannot see your textbook. Thank you.

Re: square w/ circle within circle; square is 2500m^2, circl

Whepler said:
it is a square with a circle within a circle. The square is 2500m^2.
The radius within the smaller circle is 20m

It is easy to conclude that one possibile interpretation of your words is a square with an inscribed circle and a circumscribed circle.

You give two pieces of numerical information regarding the figure but do not spell out what you are looking for.

It's also easy to conclude at least a half dozen other possible arrangements. Clarification is required in order to promote to a credible question.
TchrWill said:
It is easy to conclude that you are talking about....
Unfortunately, students often prove almost endlessly creative. A given interpretation ("translation"?) might be "obvious" to all the tutors, and yet still turn out to be entirely wrong. :shock:

I've been yelled at by waaaaaay too many students (for having guessed wrong) to have any confidence in our translation attempts, even when we have a consensus. I'll wait for clarification. :wink:
