[SPLIT] Two trains leave going in opposite directions....


New member
Oct 28, 2007
Two trains depart simutaneoulsy from a station, traveling in opposite directions. One averages 8km/h more then the other and after 1/2 hour they are 100km/h apart. Determine teh speed of each train.

Thank you!
What overall (total) speed is needed to cover one hundred kilometers in half an hour?

If each train were going the same speed, what would that speed be?

If one train is actually eight kilometers per hour faster than the other, then its speed must be [how much?] more than this speed, and the other must be [how much?] less than this speed.

So what are their speeds? :wink:

I get that part, but I get lost in trying to set it up....D=RT?? I know I am over complicating this, but I can't ever seem to wrap my brain around "getting" :?: them
i) Pick a variable for one of the speeds; say, for the slower speed.

ii) Write an expression, in terms of the variable in (i), for the other speed.

iii) Create an expression, in terms of (i) and (ii), for the total speed.

iv) Use the given time and distance, along with the expression in (iii), to create an equation.

v) Solve the equation in (iv) for the variable.

vi) Back-solve for the requested information. Don't forget to use appropriate units on your answer.

For further information, please review online lessons, your book, and/or your class notes. :idea:

If you get stuck, please reply showing how far you have gotten in following the step-by-step instructions. Thank you! :D
