I've got a couple of queries if someone can help. Appreciate if there can be workings/methods to support deriving the answer.
1) A worm crawls up a 47cm wall 3cm each day, but slips back 2 cm each night. After how many days will he reach the top ?
Answer : 45 days
(2) At halftime, Albert Park School had scored all of the points so far in their annual match against Hawthorn School. In the second half, each side scored three points. At the end of the match, Albert Park had scored 90% of the points. What fraction of the point in the match was scored in the second half ?
Answer : 1/5
(3) The sequence 2,3,5,6,7,10.....consists of all natural numbers which are neither perfect squares nor perfect cubes. Find the 54th term of this sequence.
Answer : 63
I've got a couple of queries if someone can help. Appreciate if there can be workings/methods to support deriving the answer.
1) A worm crawls up a 47cm wall 3cm each day, but slips back 2 cm each night. After how many days will he reach the top ?
Answer : 45 days
(2) At halftime, Albert Park School had scored all of the points so far in their annual match against Hawthorn School. In the second half, each side scored three points. At the end of the match, Albert Park had scored 90% of the points. What fraction of the point in the match was scored in the second half ?
Answer : 1/5
(3) The sequence 2,3,5,6,7,10.....consists of all natural numbers which are neither perfect squares nor perfect cubes. Find the 54th term of this sequence.
Answer : 63