Solving Systems of Equations with Matrices


New member
Jan 22, 2012
I'm not quite sure how to solve the following system of equations using matrices.[FONT=arial, sans-serif]

[/FONT]123x + 456y + 789z = a
456x + 789y + 123z = b
789x + 123y + 456z = c

It must be solved with respect to x, y and z,ie. the task is to express x, y and z by a, b ​​and c.
I'm not quite sure how to solve the following system of equations using matrices.

123x + 456y + 789z = a
456x + 789y + 123z = b
789x + 123y + 456z = c

It must be solved with respect to x, y and z,ie. the task is to express x, y and z by a, b ​​and c.

What methods have you been taught to solve simultaneous equations?

For a quick refresher, go to:

Please share your work with us, indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we may know where to begin to help you.