Problem that is already worked out:
Note that because of the denominator, x cannot equal -1.
[1/(X+1) + X/(X+1)] = 5
Simplify the left side. Since it is equivalent to (x+1)/(x+1), we have
1= 5
I am confused as how to come up with (x+1)/(x+1). Is it because we have the same denominator thus we can cancel one of the denominators out? And that leaves 1+X on top (numerator) which is also X+1 over X+1???? Am I understanding this correctly?
Thanks for any input,
Note that because of the denominator, x cannot equal -1.
[1/(X+1) + X/(X+1)] = 5
Simplify the left side. Since it is equivalent to (x+1)/(x+1), we have
1= 5
I am confused as how to come up with (x+1)/(x+1). Is it because we have the same denominator thus we can cancel one of the denominators out? And that leaves 1+X on top (numerator) which is also X+1 over X+1???? Am I understanding this correctly?
Thanks for any input,