Solving formula - unsure of steps needed


New member
May 1, 2007

I am a college graduate (English) who simply cannot remember how to solve the following equation (it's been almost 10 years since I've used Algebra). I'll post the question:

"Suppose a person invests a total of $10,000 in two accounts. Account A earns 5% annually and Account B earns 6% annually. If the total interest earned from both accounts in a year is $560, how much is invested in each account?"

What I came up with is that x=$ in account A, and y=$ in account B.

(x)(.05) + (y)(.06) = $560

I figured out the answer through just plugging numbers in, but I cannot remember how to GET to what x and y equals by solving this formula. I seem to recall that it has something to do with solving linear equations with two variables, but again, this is something that I do not remember how to do.

Again, I do have the answer (x=4000 and y=6000), but I would really like to remember how to get to these conclusions. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Your set-up is fine, but you forgot the other equation: x + y = 10 000. :wink:

Note: You can solve the other equation to get y = 10 000 - x, and plug that into your first equation (in place of y), solving just the one equation to get the solution.


P.S. Welcome to FreeMathHelp! :D
Thanks Stapel. I had x+y=10000 on my paper here...I just wasn't putting it all together.

Thanks for the help. :D
Just to make sure I have this right....

.05x + .06y = 560
x + y = 10,000

(.05)(10,000-y) + .06y = 560
500 - .05y + .06y = 560
-.05y + .06y = 60
.01y = 60
y = 6,000
x + 6,000 = 10,000
x = 4,000