Solving a Word Problem addition and subtraction of rational


New member
Sep 6, 2010
Hello everyone, I have a simple word problem that I forget how to set up (it's been a long time). If you could help me set up the formula, I would be grateful! Ok, here is the problem:

Marcus is decorating his room and plans on hanging three prints that are each
13 3/8 inches wide. He is going to hang the prints side by side with 2 1/4 inches between the prints.

What width of wall space is needed to display the three prints?
Thank you very much for the help!
Re: Solving a Word Problem addition and subtraction of ratio

[...13 3/8...] 2 1/4 [...13 3/8...] 2 1/4 [13 3/8]

Add 'em up. OK?
gbsonguitars said:
three prints that are each 13 3/8 inches wide.

with 2 1/4 inches between the prints.

What width of wall space is needed to display the three prints?

Three pictures plus 2 strips:

3 * (13 3/8) + 2 * (2 1/4)
