Solving a differential eqn: (4 - 11x y^2) dy/dx = y^3


Full Member
Sep 30, 2005
I need to solve


such that x=4 when y=5 by regarding y as the independent variable instead of x.

The final answer should be in the form x(y)=

So I figured that since I am looking for x(y), dy/dx isn't all that useful, and I should instead turn it into dx/dy.

So I get


I divide to get the general form


Then the integrating factor is


Then y^11 (4/y^3)=4y^8

I integrate that and use formula to get the general solution


However, when I plug in 4 and 5, I get an answer for C and then the final answer, which the computer tells me is wrong. Any ideas??
Re: Solving a differential equation

What did you get for C, Dan?. A big number like 1,750,000,000/9?.

That's what I got using your IC, x(5)=4.

\(\displaystyle x=\frac{4}{9y^{2}}+\frac{C}{y^{11}}\)

Then we get: \(\displaystyle x=\frac{4}{9y^{2}}+\frac{1,750,000,000}{9y^{11}}\)
No I'm getting something like 194,444,444.4 (repeating :D --courtesy of the 4/9)...but I tried your answer and it's not flying either....

This is kinda weird. I'm assuming my process was right....


Never mind. You know that whole order of operations thing they teach you in elementary school.

Yeah. Kinda forgot that was important and needed to be indicated in the solution. Oops.

Thanks for your help.
I see my mistake.
I am getting C=437500000/9. Is that correct?.