solve y = ln(1 + x) in terms of x

The equation already is solved for "y = (something in terms of x)". Do you perhaps mean "solve for x", so you'll have "x = (something in terms of y)"...?

When you reply, please show all of your work and reasoning so far. Thank you.

solve for x: y=ln(1+x). I have the answer, but don't understand how to get there!
A good first step would be to get rid of the log by making both sides powers on some base. Hint: What base would work well with the natural log?

Hint: What did you learn in class about inverse functions, the natural log, and the natural exponential? Since the way to get a variable by itself is to "undo" (by inverse operations) whatever has been done to the variable, how might "e to the power (whatever)" help "undo" the natural log?
