solve algebraically


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I have attempted to solve this problem and show my work correctly, however, I have an uneasy feeling. Could someone check it for accuracy? Thanks

cuberoot(x) -5=3
cuberoot(x) -5 +5 = 3+5
cuberoot(x) = 8


cuberoot(8) -5 = 3
2 - 5 = -3

I'm confused. Please help
A truck starts at point A and drives south three miles. Then it turns left at point B and drives east four miles to point C. How many miles is the truck at point C from Point A if it were to drives directly from Point A to Point C? Do you time 4x3? And then guess Point A To Point C for the answer? Cause I know the answer is 5 But I dont know how got the answer the answer it was giving to me, i need to now how so i can learn and do the promblem my self next time.
What is the cost of 33 pieces of paneling 2'-0" wide and 5'-0"long at a cost of $.30 per square foot?

Is it 33 x .30 = $ 99 per square foot?
durousseaukaren said:
What is the cost of 33 pieces of paneling 2'-0" wide and 5'-0"long at a cost of $.30 per square foot?
Is it 33 x .30 = $ 99 per square foot?
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durousseaukaren said:
Do you time 4x3? And then guess Point A To Point C for the answer?

Guessing is okay in math, when it is educated guessing.

There is more than one way to find the distance from point A to point C.

Which method are you studying: Pythagorean Theorem or Distance Formula ?

PS: Next time, use the [NEWTOPIC*] button, located on the board's index page, to start your own thread.

durousseaukaren said:
cost of $.30 per square foot

Is it 33 x .30 = $ 99 per square foot ?

:!: 33 * 0.30 is not 99

And, no, the cost of the wood is not $99 per square foot. The cost of the wood is 30 cents per square foot.

You need to calculate the total number of square feet in all this wood, and then multiply that by 0.30.

Tellme, what is the area of one panel ?
