Solutions to quadratic equation graph

hildadudley said:
When looking at a graph of a quadratic equation how do you determine the solutions?

Hi hildadudley,

The solutions or "zeros" are the x-intercepts of the graph. The parabola will cross the x-axis at most 2 times.

It can be tangent to the x-axis, thus resulting in 1 double root.

Or it may not touch the x-axis at all, resulting in imaginary roots.
hildadudley said:
When looking at a graph of a quadratic equation how do you determine the solutions?
Did you TRY by actually graphing one yourself?
Make one up, like (x - 3)(x - 5) = 0 ; so x^2 - 8x + 15 = 0
Now go and graph'll SEE the solutions 3 and 5 :idea: