slope help? plz help me it is summer math and i dont get it!


New member
Aug 14, 2005
k here are the qyuestions i need step by step . u dont have to awnser all of them just the ones u can answer
1>find the x intercept for the equation 6x-y=-12

2. determine the equation of the line w the slope -3 and containg(-7,2)

3. given the following write an equation in standerd form. the line has y-intercept 5 and slope 2.

4. write the equation in standerd form for the line that is perpendicular to the graph of y=5x+1 and has a y-intercept of 4

5.write the equation of the vertical line that contains (-5,-4)

6. find the slope for the equation. x-2y=6

7. for the eqation x-2y=6 is the point (4,-1) on the line?

omgaah! thank u sooo very much if u can help me
1) To find the x-intercept, plug zero in for y and solve. To find the y-intercept, plug zero in for x and solve.

2) For a line with slope m and passing through a point (x, y), plug the x-, y-, and m-values into "y = mx + b". Solve for b. Re-write the equation using the values of m and b.

3) In the line equation "y = mx + b", "m" is the slope and "b" is the y-intercept. Plug in the given values. Consult with your text for its definition of "standard form". (This varies from text to text, so I cannot help you with that.)

4) Read the slope off the given line. Recall the perpendicular lines have negative-reciprocal slopes; that is, the slopes are "m" and "-1/m". Compute the perpendicular slope. Use the new slope and the given y-intercept value to find the line equation as in (3).

5) What have vertical-line equations always looked like? Which x-value does this line pass through? So what is the equation?

6) Solve for "y=". Read off the slope value.

7) Plug the x-value in for "x" and the y-value in for "y". If they solve the equation, the point is on the line.

8) Please post further algebra questions to one of the "algebra" forums. Thank you.

If you get stuck working any of these exercises, please reply showing how far you have gotten in following the instructions. Thank you.

help again plz

i still dont get number 7! and there is this other one!

extra:write an equation slope-intercept form of the line that is paralle to the graph of 3y-4x=1 and passes through (0,6)
When you have an equation that is parrallel to another equation this means they have the same slope (m). Write the equation in the standard form of y=mx + c

Use this gradient and the set of points you have to find "c"
Then you can write the equation......

Back to you.
Re: help again plz

clueless911 said:
i still dont get number 7!
What's not to "get"? They gave you an x,y-line and an x,y-point. I told you to plug the x-value in for "x" and the y-value in for "y", and then to simplify and see if the equation remains true. Surely you can at least plug the values in?

clueless911 said:
write an equation slope-intercept form of the line that is paralle to the graph of 3y-4x=1 and passes through (0,6)
This works almost exactly like (4). Where are you stuck? (You've been given worked solutions to all the other questions. Surely now you "remember" how to do them now, right? Work from that.)
