ok so i had an exam with a question I was completely stuck on for about twenty minutes. I totally blanked out, I would like to know the steps i should have followed because i didn't even know where to start.
sketch the graph of q(x)=x^2-8x+19 and label its minimum. what formula do i use to even get started?
Just to add my 2¢. Something you should remember: Given the function
f(x) = a x
2 + b x + c
with a not equal to zero, let
v = \(\displaystyle -\dfrac{b}{2a}\)
Now, if a is positive f has a minimum and if a is negative f has a maximum. That minimum/maximum occurs at v.
Something else I have found extremely nice to remember is the f(x) above can now be written as
f(x) = a [(x-v)
2 - d]
d = \(\displaystyle \dfrac{b^2 - 4 a c}{4 a^2}\)
This is completing the square.
We can now graph our function by just graphing x
2, then translate (possibly twice) and stretch/shrink that graph. Actually though I (sort of) use ksdhart2's method now except I put down my x's in the table as positive distances from v realizing I will get the same answer as for negative distances from v.
Your question is made easier in that it is slightly simplified, i.e. a = 1 and b is 'doubly even' [divisible by 4]. Thus you would be working with integers for v and d and your graph is simply a graph of x
2 shifted to the left or right and then shifted up or down..