sin (x+pi/4) = root2 cos x for 0<x<2pi


New member
May 27, 2009
hey...this is for advanced functions chapter problem....nd i reallly don't get what to do ...can someone please help..
sin (x+pi/4) = root2 cos x for 0<x<2pi
Re: sin (x+pi/4) = root2 cox x fro 0<x<2pi

fakinmath said:
hey...this is for advanced functions chapter problem....nd i reallly don't get what to do ...can someone please help..
sin (x+pi/4) = root2 cox x fro 0<x<2pi <<< What is that one?


sin (A+B) = sinA * cosB + cosA * sinB

Please show us your work, indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we know where to begin to help you.
i got stuck at the beginning...i did:
sin (x+y) = sinx cosy + cosx siny
sinx coxpi/4 + cosx sinpi/4 = root cos
since cospi/4 = sin pi/4
cospi/4 (sinx+cosx) = root 2 cosX
i don't know what to do next
fakinmath said:
i got stuck at the beginning...i did:
sin (x+y) = sinx cosy + cosx siny
sinx coxpi/4 + cosx sinpi/4 = root cos
since cospi/4 = sin pi/4 = 1/?2

[sin(x) + cos(x)]/?2 = ?2 * cos(x)

sin(x) + cos(x) = 2 * cos(x)

now continue...

cospi/4 (sinx+cosx) = root 2 cosX
i don't know what to do next