y= 1/x,[1,3]
This line (along with your subject line) tells me that they want you to approximate the area underneath the curve of y = 1/x from x = 1 through x = 3.
This line tells me that they want you to partition the given interval into four sub-intervals.
intervals= 0,1,2,3,4
I'm not sure what this line is supposed to mean. I hope those are not your x-values.
an internet video shows a method like this.
?1/3 [f(x_0 )+4f(x_1 )+2f(x_2 )+4f(x_3 )+f(x_4 ) ]
The factor 1/3 is wrong.
(b - a)/(3n) = (3 - 1)/(3)(4)
The symbolic expression inside the square brackets looks good, however.
1/3 [(1/0)+4 (1/1)+2(1/2)+4 (1/3)+(1/4) ]
Hoo boy. :roll: If your video guy divided 1 by 0, I think that you should look for a new guy. I mean, you would never write that, would you? :wink:
Well, either you did not draw a picture or you do not understand how to divide up the given interval into four pieces; otherwise, you would clearly realize that the denominators above are not 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. The symbolic versions of the x-values (x_0, x_1, x_2, etc.) mean values on the x-axis that define the four sub-intervals (i.e., the bases of the four "rectangles").
Do you realize that you are working inside a restricted area? I mean, x never equals zero because the given interval [1, 3] does not contain the number zero. This interval does not contain the number 4, either.
1/3 [6 7/12]
This result is incorrect because the symbol f(1/0) is meaningless.
But I go back to the text book and it is telling me to use this:
?_a^b?f(x)dx?(b-a)/(3n)? [f(a)+4f((a+b)/2)+f(b) ] where n = 2
This is what Simpson's Rule would look like, were n to equal 2. Your exercise uses four subintervals, not two, so an expanded form of Simpson's Rule is needed (like you saw in your video).